
Qual è la differenza tra amenorrea primaria e secondaria?

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Kristi A Tough DeSapri, MD Clinical Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Director of Comprehensive Bone Center, University of Chicago Medicine Women’s Care
Kristi A Tough DeSapri, MD è membro delle seguenti società mediche: American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology, North American Menopause Society
Disclosure: Serve(d) come relatore o membro di uno speaker bureau per: Amgen e AMAG pharmaceuticals.


Richard Scott Lucidi, MD, FACOG Professore Associato di Endocrinologia Riproduttiva e Infertilità, Dipartimento di Ostetricia e Ginecologia, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine
Richard Scott Lucidi, MD, FACOG è membro delle seguenti società mediche: American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Society for Reproductive Medicine
Disclosure: Nulla da rivelare.

Collaboratori aggiuntivi

Kenneth M Bielak, MD Professor, Department of Family Medicine, University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine
Kenneth M Bielak, MD è membro delle seguenti società mediche: American Academy of Family Physicians, American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology, American College of Sports Medicine, American Medical Society for Sports Medicine
Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.

Gayla S Harris, MD Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Tennessee Health Science Center Graduate School of Medicine
Gayla S Harris, MD è membro delle seguenti società mediche: American Society for Reproductive Medicine
Disclosure: Niente da divulgare.


xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comElizabeth Alderman, MD Direttore del Fellowship Training Program, Direttore del Servizio Ambulatoriale Adolescenziale, Professore di Pediatria Clinica, Dipartimento di Pediatria, Divisione di Medicina dell’Adolescenza, Albert Einstein College of Medicine e Children’s Hospital at Montefiore xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comElizabeth Alderman, MD è membro delle seguenti società mediche: American Academy of Pediatrics, American Pediatric Society, North American Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, and Society for Adolescent Medicine xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comDisclosure: Merck Honoraria Speaking and teaching xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comA David Barnes, MD, PhD, MPH, FACOG Consulting Staff, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Mammoth Hospital (Mammoth Lakes, California), Pioneer Valley Hospital (Salt Lake City, Utah), Warren General Hospital (Warren, Pennsylvania) e Mountain West Hospital (Tooele, Utah) xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comA David Barnes, MD, PhD, MPH, FACOG è membro delle seguenti società mediche: American College of Forensic Examiners, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Medical Association, Association of Military Surgeons of the US, and Utah Medical Association xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comDisclosure: Niente da rivelare. xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comKarim Anton Calis, PharmD, MPH, FASHP, FCCP Adjunct Clinical Investigator, Program in Developmental Endocrinology and Genetics, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health; Professore clinico, Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Pharmacy; Professore clinico, University of Maryland School of Pharmacy xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comKarim Anton Calis, PharmD, MPH, FASHP, FCCP è membro delle seguenti società mediche: American College of Clinical Pharmacy, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, e Endocrine Society xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comDisclosure: Niente da rivelare. xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comSharon N Covington, LCSW-C, BCD Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Georgetown University School of Medicine; Ricercatore associato, Unità di medicina riproduttiva integrativa, branca di biologia riproduttiva e medicina, Istituti nazionali di salute infantile e sviluppo umano, Istituti nazionali di salute; studio privato, Covington and Hafkin and Associates; direttore dei servizi di supporto psicologico, Shady Grove Fertility Reproductive Science Center xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comSharon N Covington, LCSW-C, BCD è membro delle seguenti società mediche: Academy of Certified Social Workers, American Orthopsychiatric Association, American Society for Reproductive Medicine, National Association of Social Workers, and Society for Assisted Reproductive Technologies xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comDisclosure: Niente da rivelare. xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comLawrence M Nelson, MD, MBA Head of Integrative Reproductive Medicine Group, Intramural Research Program on Reproductive and Adult Endocrinology, National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comLawrence M Nelson, MD, MBA è membro delle seguenti società mediche: American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Endocrine Society, and Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comDisclosure: Niente da rivelare. xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comVaishali Popat, MD, MPH Clinical Investigator, Intramural Research Program on Reproductive and Adult Endocrinology, National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comVaishali Popat, MD, MPH è membro delle seguenti società mediche: American College of Physicians e Endocrine Society xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comDisclosure: Niente da rivelare. xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comThomas Michael Price, MD Professore Associato, Divisione di Endocrinologia Riproduttiva e Infertilità, Dipartimento di Ostetricia e Ginecologia, Direttore di Endocrinologia Riproduttiva e Infertilità Fellowship Program, Duke University Medical Center xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comThomas Michael Price, MD è membro delle seguenti società mediche: Alpha Omega Alpha, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Medical Association, American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Endocrine Society, Phi Beta Kappa, Society for Gynecologic Investigation, Society for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility e South Carolina Medical Association xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comDisclosure: Clinical Advisors Group Consulting fee Consulting; MEDA Corp Consulting fee Consulting Consulting; Gerson Lehrman Group Advisor Consulting fee Consulting; Adiana Grant/research funds PI xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comTamara Prodanov, MD Research Assistant, National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comDisclosure: Niente da rivelare. xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comShannon D Sullivan, MD, PhD Staff Physician, Department of Endocrinology, Washington Hospital Center xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comShannon D Sullivan, MD, PhD è membro delle seguenti società mediche: American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, American Thyroid Association, and Endocrine Society xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comDisclosure: Niente da rivelare. Francisco Talavera, PharmD, PhD Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Pharmacy; Editor-in-Chief, Medscape Drug Reference xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comDisclosure: Medscape Salary Employment xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comSuzanne R Trupin, MD, FACOG Professore Clinico, Dipartimento di Ostetricia e Ginecologia, University of Illinois College of Medicine at Urbana-Champaign; CEO e proprietario, Women’s Health Practice; CEO e proprietario, Hada Cosmetic Medicine e Midwest Surgical Center xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comSuzanne R Trupin, MD, FACOG è membro delle seguenti società mediche: American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, American Medical Association, Association of Reproductive Health Professionals, International Society for Clinical Densitometry, and North American Menopause Society xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comDisclosure: Niente da rivelare. xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comSomya Verma, MD, Fellow in Endocrinologia pediatrica, National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development; Ufficiale del United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comDisclosure: Niente da rivelare. xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comWayne Wolfram, MD, MPH Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Mercy St Vincent Medical Center xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comWayne Wolfram, MD, MPH è membro delle seguenti società mediche: American Academy of Emergency Medicine, American Academy of Pediatrics, e Society for Academic Emergency Medicine xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comDisclosure: Niente da rivelare. xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comAndrea L Zuckerman, MD Assistant Professor of Obstetrics/Gynecology and Pediatrics, Tufts University School of Medicine; Division Director, Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, Tufts Medical Center xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comAndrea L Zuckerman, MD è membro delle seguenti società mediche: American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Massachusetts Medical Society, North American Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, and Society for Adolescent Medicine xmlns:qnafn=”http://www.webmd.comDisclosure: Niente da rivelare.

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